How to Start a Play School Business?

How to Start a Play School Business

Starting a play-school business can be overwhelming. You may have questions buzzing through your head like: How do I get started? What are the essential items for my business setup? Should I hire a banker or an accountant? Is it going to take a lot of money to open up? Where can I find children’s educational toys in bulk? We promised a detailed guide on how to start one. Many of you are waiting for it. Now you are on the right page. Eagerly await no more!

  1. Choose a Proper Location

When choosing a business location, it’s easy to focus on the big picture—how close are you to potential customers? Are there enough other businesses in the area to support yours? Is there parking nearby? What are your transportation options? But when it comes down to it, the most important thing is choosing a space that is safe for children. Safety is especially important when considering play schools, since children are more susceptible to accidents than adults.

A place that’s convenient for parents is also important—you want them to feel comfortable dropping their kids off with you every day. Having a good relationship with parents can be essential for starting a successful play school, especially if they have children at home who could join in on activities or even apply for space at the school. So be sure to look at all of these factors when choosing your location. Don’t forget the little details too.

  1. Learn the Rules and Regulations

Before you start a play school business, it’s important to learn about the rules and regulations in your area. Your city or town may have zoning laws, building codes or other requirements that affect where the play school can be located. It’s best to know these upfront so you don’t waste time and money on a play school location that is not allowed.

In some districts, a business like a daycare play school might need to go through a special hearing process to get approval. In others, there could be minimum age requirements for children allowed in a daycare play school. You don’t want to end up with a location that doesn’t meet the minimum age requirement for your daycare play school, or one that does not have the proper zoning permits from your city or town.

Next, learn about licensing requirements for your state. You may need an education or child development license from your state department of education before you can operate a daycare play school at all. Some states also require background checks for all teachers working at daycare play schools. These are just some of the regulations you should be aware of before you choose a location for your play school and hire teachers and staff members.

  1. Develop a Business Plan

The next step towards starting your own play school business is to develop a business plan. The plan requires all the information about the proposed venture: the proposed products and services, strategies for operation and marketing, and financial needs and forecasts. You should also provide details about your competitors, how you will differ from them, and what makes you better than them.

The plan should cover all aspects of your business – like what kind of infrastructure will be required, whether there will be any equipment that needs to be purchased, whether there will be any permits needed from the government, etc. This information will help you know how much capital you’ll need before starting your business. You can also decide whether you want to start small and grow big or start big and then expand later on.

Determine whether there is a demand for the service you want to offer. Conduct market research by talking to women groups or parents’ groups or by visiting play schools nearby. In addition, talk to other play school owners or day care providers in your area to find out if they are doing well.

  1. Create a Name for your Play School

If you want to start a play school, you need to come up with a name for it. The name should be catchy and meaningful, but it cannot be too long or tough to pronounce. Parents might not like the name if they find it difficult or complicated to pronounce or remember. You also need to take a look at the trademark availability of the name.

After you have decided on the name for your play school, you need to register it with the Trade Mark Registry Office. The registration will be effective from three months from the date of application. However, it can take almost six months for the application to be approved. Once registered, you will have exclusive rights to use that particular name for your business.

You can also conduct a Google search using keywords such as “Play School Names” or “Best Play School Names” in order to find some ideas for names that you may want to consider. However, before finalizing on any of these names, make sure that they are not already being used by someone else in another part of the country or in another state. If there is such a name available, then you need to come up with another one that is unique and has no association with any other existing play school anywhere in India.

  1. Decide the Age Group you want to Target

Play school business is where you teach children at their own place. It can be at your house or any other place within the vicinity. You don’t have to be a teacher to start this type of business. It will surely be a successful venture with the right amount of hard work and dedication. The first thing that you need to decide is, who are you going to target? The age group will play a major role in deciding this. For example, if you want to target 5 year old children then you need to make sure that the toys and activities should be such which are appropriate for kids of that age group. If it’s too difficult for them then they might get bored or frustrated and leave your classes. If it’s too simple for them then they will learn nothing from the class and again will be discouraged from attending your classes in future.

There is a lot of competition in this field so you need to start working on it as soon as possible. You also have to make sure that you have proper certification from government bodies like CBSE, NACTE etc. Without these certifications, you won’t be able to run play school successfully. You can either take some training courses for running this kind of business or join hands with someone who already has experience in this.

  1. Decide on the Duration of Classes

When you’re deciding on the length of your classes, don’t forget that you need to factor in time for breaks—and if you have any kind of setup, you’ll need time to clean up as well. Consider how long it will take for your kids to get restless and test your patience. Make sure that you’ll be able to keep them entertained with some toys and activities throughout the day at least. Another tip is to schedule your classes in blocks of two hours so kids can get a lunch break and so you can break up the day instead of having it drag on. There’s nothing wrong with a single-day class, but if kids are going to be spending hours with you each week, it’s better for them not to do it all in one go.

  1. Arrange for Financial Resources

Starting a play school is a challenging task. The first step towards this is to arrange for financial resources. There are two important tasks that you need to do here: the first one is to arrange some funds for fixed expenses such as rent, electricity, maintenance and other essentials. The second one is to arrange some funds for your working capital so that you can purchase equipment, order supplies and pay salaries of teachers etc.

  1. Hire Teachers and Staff Members

You may have done some research or even talked to friends who already own a play school, but it may not be enough. This post aims to provide you with the basics you need to know when it comes to starting a play school. The important thing on your checklist is hiring teachers and staff members. If you want to make your play school successful, then you must hire the right people. You will also need to do some managing of your employees. You will need to make sure that your employees have the skills and knowledge needed for their job.

The main thing you need for managing employees is an organized system for tracking their work hours, timesheets, their performance, and more. An employee management software is essential for this since it will allow you to keep track of all your employees’ information from anywhere in the world through an online dashboard. It will allow you to manage all your employees from anywhere in the world without having to go back and forth from your office or home.

Designing the curriculum is something else which needs to be done early on in your play school’s life. This is not only so you can ensure that every student knows what they’re learning about, but it’s also good for parents to know what their children are being taught. You don’t want them to think their child is learning how to read when they really aren’t because the teacher just glossed over those lessons in order to get through more information in less time.

An employee management software will help you keep track of:

  • Employee time sheets
  • Employee attendance
  • Employee performance
  • Employee attendance and performance review
  • Vacation and sick leave
  • Employee payroll
  • Employees’ contact information etc.,


  1. Start marketing your play school business.

How do you start a play school? Easy! Start marketing your play school business. Your first step is to get your business name, and make sure that you file for the name you choose. You can use the internet for this. After you’ve done that, begin designing your website. Make sure that it does not resemble any other site out there in case someone decides to sue you. Next, decide what kind of services you will offer in your play school. Design flyers and brochures and print them off on paper. Getting parents to come to your play school will be tough at first, but once they see the quality of the work that goes on in the classes, they’ll be back for more.

Another thing you’re going to want to do is promote yourself on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Once you have a decent following built up, post pictures of what’s happening at the play school and let people know when they should register their kids for classes. Your business is going to grow very quickly so be prepared when it does!

To conclude,

A play school is the need of today’s time. The craze for curriculums and formalities has been a real headache for working parents. All of us are looking for some place, where our kids can be safe and can learn at the same time. A play school is that place, which fulfills all your needs.

Setting up your play school business can be a challenging task. It is not just about the business plan, it is about the entire process of setting up a play school. The success of a play school largely depends on the arrangements the management team makes for the students, teachers, and parents. The reason behind this is that no one wants to send her/his child to an unorganized place.

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